Fall Scavenger Hunt

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Everyone gets all hot and bothered (in a good way) about summer in the Okanagan, but honestly… I love fall. I love the cooler temperatures, the cozy clothes, that the forests smell like pine, and I looooove the colours (I’m from Ontario - it’s in my blood).

My kids are less enthused, and they have to be enticed into the wilds. Which is why I love using scavenger hunts to get them more interested in the great outdoors. When we hike with a purpose, they spend less time asking when we’re going to be done, and more time looking down for treasures. They notice wildflowers growing between crevices, moss on rocks, and how tree roots can be bumpy or smooth.

We took our preschooler to an amazing trail at Mill Creek Regional Park (see map below for more details), and brought along a fall scavenger hunt, a marker for checking off the treasures we found, and a tupperware for collecting our finds.

- Download this PDF for free here -

Fall Scavenger Hunt.jpg


LOCATION: The entrance to Mill Creek Regional Park is at 6310 Spencer Rd. Kelowna, near the airport.

TRAIL CONDITIONS: Shady | Gravel footing | Some rocks and roots on path | Stroller-Friendly (with a sturdy stroller)

AMENITIES: Free parking on road | Dog-friendly (on-leash) | Port-a-potty | Garbage cans

HIGHLIGHTS: Our favourite part of the hike was the waterfall, and the “wavy” boardwalk over the marsh (turn left at the second trail junction, head up the stairs, and you’ll find it!).