5 simple ways to boost your health this Fall!

It’s cold and flu season folks *barf* (metaphorically, not literally… this post is intended to help prevent literal barfing) . We’re all moving indoors where the air recycles, we see less sunshine and we move our bodies less. But it’s ok! If we are aware of our health, there are tons of super easy things we can do to reduce our risk of getting sick or minimize our down time.

So come on team. We can do this! Let’s invest in ourselves and get super healthy this Fall!

Also, just a thought, why not put together a wellness basket for someone in your life who could use a boost?

Yoga is to us, the ultimate form of Mental Health and Wellness. With challenging our bodies on the mat, we are forced to re-train our mind and thoughts and be as present as possible within that time.

Off the mat, Yoga allows you to be calm in challenging times, lessen the burden of anxiety and stress and create a deeper connection to yourself and reality. Our Yoga Space strives to support our students to obtain a greater experience within themselves.

In the West, yoga is looked at as “fitness” to some degree – yes there are physical benefits as with any body movement however, the support Yoga has on our Mental Health is extremely beneficial and proven.

Now more than ever we need this practice. Allow us to welcome you home.

Join Our Yoga Space in studio or online! We are all about Yoga, Community and Love.

👇🏻 click to register 👇🏻

Our Yoga Space: 1445 Ellis Street, Kelowna


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Stephanie Bell C.H.N.C. _ Inspiring True Health (11).png

When we sleep well, we fight off infection, viruses and inflammation plus build immunological memory which is a fancy way of saying that we become stronger against incoming threats. Many of us have accepted bad sleep as a way of life… but it’s time to take a stand against garbage slumber.

Quick Fix:

Try running a fan or white noise machine, charge your phone in a different room, defuse essential oils and treat yourself to some amazing linens. Get:

  • The right pillow for your unique body and sleeping positions.

  • Soft sheets that feel like a butter stick is swallowing you whole.

  • And a blanket that will keep you warm but not make you a sweaty mess. Perhaps a weighted one?

We spend 1/3 of our lives in bed. If you are going to invest in something important, consider your sleep.

👇🏻 click to shop online 👇🏻

QE Home: Vancouver based with pick up locations

Kelowna, Penticton and Vernon


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STOP! Don’t lick that metal siding or downspout… there’s a better way.

Zinc is an important mineral for healing; skin repair, collagen formation, bone and teeth structure, digestion, lowering heavy metals in your system and improving immune response.

You can increase your intake through oysters, beef, lamb, pork, liver, fish, pecans, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and the germ of whole grains.

We each need 15 - 30 mg per day but because of the way our commercial food is fertilized and processed, most of our groceries come from zinc-depleted soil and our bodies end up running low.

Quick Fix:

Pop a high quality multi-supplement that includes zinc and copper (2mg of copper for every 15-30mg of zinc). Reach out to Stephanie Bell if you have questions or would like advice.

👇🏻 click to order online 👇🏻

Stephanie Bell: RHN, CHNC, Safe Supplement Advisor


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Stephanie Bell C.H.N.C. _ Inspiring True Health (10).png

Like a fabulous handbag, if you love it… you will actually use it. Adequate hydration is super important for immune health but also a real challenge for most of us.

Quick Fix:

Try herbal tea, lemon and local honey (lemonade), powdered electrolytes or vitamins AND a vessel that you adore!

Check out these bottles, straws and mugs from Big Sun!

👇🏻 click to order online 👇🏻

Big Sun: 4311 27th Street, Vernon


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Let’s be kind to our bodies. Many of our household and body care products are loaded with perfumes, synthetic bubble enhancers and artificial colours. Every time we take these toxins in through our skin, mouth and lungs, we are creating extra work for our system.

Quick Fix:

Source out products that have ingredients you can pronounce and product lines that you can trust. Dodge the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, fragrance, parfume and colour. Back To Earth wins a ton of awards for a reason!

👇🏻 click to order online 👇🏻

Back To Earth: 6326 Hwy 6, Coldstream


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