MindfulMEDS Microdosing and ADHD

Guest Blog courtesy of Mindful Meds…

A Neurodevelopment Disorder or a Superpower?

switching the programming around ADHD

What if we were to shift our mindset to looking at ADHD as a condition that needed to be managed?  What if we looked at this as just a type of brain function that has the ability to operate like a Ferrari. 

My journey with microdosing began years ago when I got a concussion.  But it's not the microdosing and the concussion that I'm going to share about.  As a person with ADHD I didn't understand what a superpower my brain was.  Normally, I was able to hold multiple focuses and move through thoughts very quickly.  I could be typing numbers onto a spreadsheet while talking to a person about decisions needed at work.  I thought that others who didn't do this just weren't applying themselves. I had no idea that not all brains worked like this.  Enter the concussion....and suddenly I could only hold ONE focus at a time and any little distraction would throw me off.  But the interesting thing was my creativity capacity was heightened! I realized in that moment that different types of brains functioned very differently. Getting a front-row seat to this experience shifted my perception around the ADHD brain. 


I used to be hard on myself for forgetting, for losing focus, and for the little piles of messes that would start small but exponentially grow if I wasn't careful.  After this experience, I leaned-into how my brain worked best and gave myself grace for the less desirable parts.   What shifted was a deeper sense of self love and a desire to set this brain up for success!


I quickly learned that microdosing helped me compartmentalize things easier. It got the distracting thoughts out of the way and allowed me to get in that hyper-focused state.


How I describe having an ADHD brain is like this:

Everyone is going down the freeway at 100km/hr.  With the ADHD brain you are going down that same freeway at 200km/hr, but also 5 other freeways at the same time.  If you take the wrong exit, you are 5km down the road before you realize that you have taken a wrong turn.  


Now imagine moving all the distractions out of the way and hyper-focusing that brain on what you want to orient it to?  Thats what microdosing can help you do.  

"I quickly learned that microdosing helped me compartmentalize things easier. It got the distracting thoughts out of the way and allowed me to get in that hyper-focused state."

Tips for Microdosing and ADHD

get the most out of it

1. Set your intention - what is it that you want to focus on today? What is your desired OUTCOME.  Being busy is different than being productive. 


2. Remove clutter - set yourself up for success by removing physical items from your workspace that could distract you.  Having a clean and organized workspace allows the energy to flow smoothly.


3. Physical Activity - if you feel stuck or distracted, stop what you are doing and do some physical activity to get the natural dopamine flowing in the brain.  Squats, pushups or jumping jacks are a quick way to workout in your space without having to leave the room and get re-focused


4. Food - eating clean helps the brain stay on track. Stay away from processed foods, seed oil, sugars and anything heavy.  Eat light, fresh and clean to keep your brain on track.


"Being busy is different than being productive"

save 10% with discount code SAFFRON

5 Things Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Do


By Saffron Quist | Flex Realty Group




Purchasing Real Estate is one of the most empowering moves you will ever make!

When I was 19 and still living at home, my Mom mentioned that she was considering charging me rent (like a nominal $200 or so). About 7 minutes later, I opened the Real Estate leaflet that used to come in the Sunday newspaper and made the decision that I was moving out.

I had no clue what I was doing. I had never bought or sold property before, never had a mortgage or bank loan outside of a $700-credit-limit visa, and… I also had no inhibitions. I was doing this.

My 3 part-time minimum-wage paycheques and I got on the phone and began booking property viewings. I did have enough sense to start at the cheapest properties; the small older houses and outdated condos.

I ended up purchasing a 1990’s condo in Coldstream. It was in good shape and had a great layout but was dated… kinda perfect for a first. I did a little painting and replaced a light fixture or two and about 18 months later, I sold for 80% more than I had paid. The profit became my down payment for the next property.


Heading into the purchasing process can feel SO overwhelming even for a veteran. There are a lot of moving pieces and things to put into place… not to mention that both federal and provincial legislation are everchanging which affects property values and qualification requirements. You don’t need to be an expert! You just need to find the right professionals, take their advise and have a bit of blind faith. If I could do it at 19, you can to.

Here are 5 things you should absolutely do (or not do) to get started:

1. Do not take out any new loans.

Oh my gosh, this is probably the number one mistake I see happening. Buyers are shopping for a home, they are pre-approved for a mortgage… they may even have an offer pending on a property and then BOOM, they buy a new car with a loan orchestrated by the dealership.

Mortgage qualifications are calculated on a few items including your debt load. Until your property purchase has closed and you’re sipping margaritas on your new deck… all your debts will be factored in and you could completely disqualify yourself. Wait to take out new loans until after you’re all moved in.

2. Do build your credit and down payment.

To qualify for a mortgage you will need a good credit score and at least 5% for a down payment.

The easiest way to build credit is to open a credit card, use it in small amounts and then pay it off in-full each month. Also, be sure to prioritize things like your cell phone bill and make sure your payments are on time. Keeping your bills at a $0 balance and being prepared to close credit-card accounts will be powerful when applying for a mortgage.

Squirreling away 5% or more is a bit more difficult in today’s market but here are some ideas to help this build faster:

  • Open a savings account with the highest possible interest rate, open a TFSA (tax free savings account), and/or purchase low-risk investments. This way you’re making a little revenue off the money you deposit. I personally love working with a Financial Advisor who is not connected to a specific institution (they work for you not the bank). Let them know you are saving for a home and you want your money to be LOW-RISK and LIQUIDABLE at any time (meaning you can cash-out without notice) and they will guide and educate you on some great options.

  • Save. I know this sounds obvious but every time you go to splurge on something ask yourself “do I want this new outfit or do I want home ownership?” and then deposit that amount of money into your savings account.

  • Ask family for money gifts. If you’re lucky enough to have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. who have a little extra cash and appreciate your property-purchasing efforts, ask for money for your birthday and Christmas.

  • Ask a family member to invest with you. Be clear that this is a partnership and not a freebie! Perhaps Uncle John is interested in a small real estate investment?..

    • Set ownership percentages (50% you / 50% him -or- 60/40 or 25/75). This amount is equal to how much each of you are responsible for the down payment and financing… it will also be the amount that you receive when you sell. Partnering with someone means that your initial costs are significantly lower and the profits are shared.

    • Set a timeline and have an exit strategy. I’m sure Uncle John will want to see his money again in his lifetime. Consider your first property a stepping stone and not a forever home. I recommend choosing a timeline of 1-5 years while watching the market. You want a little bit of wiggle room to sell when things are hitting a price climax so that there are profits to stuff in your pocket at the end of the sale.

    • Pay all the monthly and annual costs instead of rent. Since Uncle John owns half the property, it would be reasonable for him to expect some sort of rent while you’re living there. Instead of traditional rent, pay the annual property taxes, strata fees and take care of all the maintenance. For him, there is zero cost or work involved.

Having a great Mortgage Broker is very helpful at this stage. They can guide you to some awesome tips and help you do the math so you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Let me know if you need a recommendation :)

3. Make the first one a stepping stone.

This is not necessary, but will give you a nice boost towards your forever home. I often see first time home buyers holding out for their dream property and then never being able to bust into the market. Here is something to remember, once you’re in the market… you have something to sell. You’re part of the game instead of a spectator.

Consider the first 1-3 properties as investments, an education and stepping stones to your ultimate goal. Get a good deal when the market it a little quieter (often November - March and/or when interest rates increase slightly and everyone else throws a hissy fit). Buy something you don’t necessarily love but has awesome resale value (great location, nice layout, etc). If you’re handy and creative, chip away at few cosmetics such as paint, lights and decor (if you’re not handy or creative, do nothing!). Watch the market and when there is a buyer frenzy, sell at a profit. WHAMO, now you have a larger down payment.

This is a great time to have a skilled Realtor in your back pocket. Choose someone who has experience flipping and investing (like me!)

4. Stay away from leaseholds.

On each MLS listing you will see the status as ‘Freehold’ or ‘Leasehold’. Leaseholds are typically found in mobile home parks and on Indigenous lands, and can be offered by a developer, native band or even the government. You’ll be tempted by the significantly lowered price tag but here’s the kicker… you’re not buying real estate. You are buying an object on a leased lot. This “object” may look exactly like a house, however, because it’s not on land that you own, you cannot mortgage it.

Leaseholds can be a good option for cash buyers, sometimes those heading into retirement or looking for an affordable vacation property but they are not a great way to get ahead in the market. You will need to apply for a chattel loan (similar to a car or boat loan) which often has a higher interest rate -and- leasehold property are way more challenging to sell making them less than ideal as an investment.

5. Get a solid budget.

Work with your mortgage broker. Crunch the numbers. Do the math. You may qualify for more than your willing to spend every month -or- you may qualify for less than you were hoping and that’s ok! Let’s just get you into the dang market and find something in that budget for now.

Going shopping without a clear budget is a recipe for disappointment. You may find something you love just to discover you can’t purchase it… or that you’re too slow in organizing financing and someone else scoops it.

If you don’t have a great Mortgage Broker, ask me for a recommendation!

Saffron Quist | REALTOR

Flex Realty Group, Okanagan BC

(sold) FOR SALE: Life in the country


By Saffron Quist | Flex Realty Group

Owner of Do The Okanagan .com

Welcome to the country!.. Where the morning sun shines in through that big front bay window flooding the living room with natural light, you can hear the birds chirping and smell the air's freshness because, well, there isn't a ton of traffic.

Let the kids ride their bikes or play basket ball around the flat neighbourhood. Have crackling fires in the rec room all Winter long and then around the outdoor pit in Spring and Fall.

Enjoy the huge covered deck even in the rain. Plant up the giant garden just like an artist painting on an awaiting canvas. And fill that chicken coop with some girls who will provide you with the freshest eggs of your life.

  • 768 Franklyn Road, Lumby

  • 3 bedrooms

  • 1 bathroom

  • 1950 square feet

  • 0.23 acres

  • firepit, chicken coop, garden and fenced yard

  • $549,000

Where to Get Your Brunch on in Kelowna


By Jenna Swetlikoff | orig: Aug 15, 2022

👉🏻 From the blog Stuff with Svet


Do you know what a millennial’s favourite meal of the day is? BRUNCH! And if you know me, brunch time is by far my favourite meal and time of the day…I am the brunch queen!

Let me paint a picture for ya. Imagine sleeping in and and then heading out for some yummy breakfast food while indulging in a few mimosas! The only place where being hungover in last night’s clothes is socially acceptable. WHAT A TIME!

Kelowna has quite an impressive brunch scene so you really can’t go wrong. I’ve rounded up some of MY favourite spots and their stand out items…

My Favourite Brunch Spots in Kelowna BC

White Spot

White Spot is a chain restaurant but they’re on this list for good reason, their benny! There are a lot of places that offer great egg’s benny but White Spot is one of my all time favourites! It’s classic, consistent, and served with endless smashbrowns. I’ve been going here for years!

Must try: classic eggs benny (I swap out back bacon for regular bacon)


They serve brunch all week but I would recommend their weekend hip hop brunch! Definitely make a reservation if attending on the weekend as they get quite busy. They play hip hop music, serve fun brunch cocktails, and offer many vegan choices. Did I mention they do mimosa pitchers?!

Must try: Andree 3000 is vegan benny, vegan yamwich, any of their bowls

Bohemian Cafe

The Boh is a Kelowna classic. I love their huevo rancheros and their ‘abohcado’ but I could honestly eat anything from there. They have so many unique breakfast items and the service is always top notch.

Must try: huevos rancheros, abohcado



The Jammery is also one of Kelowna’s long standing brunch spots. It’s a little bit of a drive to the Jammery but they also opened up a second location in town this year with a slightly different menu! They home make their jam and serve the ultimate comfort breakfast food. You can check out my reel on The Jammery here.

Must try: All you can eat waffles, pesto eggs benny, scones


I love OEB because their eggs are their own flax fed free-run eggs so they aways taste fresh with dark running yolks. They serve mimosa flights, have organic orange juice and overall, have a very innovative menu. You can check out my reel on OEB here.

Must try: The truffled squash Benny is heaven in your mouth

Diner Deluxe

I love Diner Deluxe’s various bowls. They have aesthetically pleasing decor, lot of options on their menu from pancakes to chicken + waffles, and they are right across from the beach. Who doesn’t love to get their brunch on a patio right by the beach?!

Must try: Ogo Sun Bowl

And there we have it! If you try out any of these brunch places or have any other favourites let me know! For more food recs, be sure to check out my reels tab on my Instagram here!

-Jenna xoxo

Exploring E-Waste


By GO | orig: March 21, 2022

👉🏻 From the blog Green Okanagan


E-waste is the waste generated from discarded electronics. This can include anything that uses electricity, items that are plugged in like your phone or computer, used batteries, or even things that are solar-powered.

With the rise in consumption and ease of access to technology, e-waste is the fastest growing domestic waste stream in the world.

By the Numbers:

  • On average, consumers keep cell phones for only 2 years before upgrading or throwing them out.

  • It takes roughly 530 pounds of fossil fuels, 48 pounds of chemicals, and 5 tons of water to manufacture a brand new computer.

  • In Canada, only 14% of e-waste is collected and regulated by environmental protection laws.

  • E-waste has increased over 20% in the last 5 years. This is expected to climb even higher as electronics become more accessible.

The Issues of E-Waste:


It may surprise you, but your electronics are full of precious resources and materials like copper, lead, aluminum, and even gold. These materials help your devices function efficiently, but when they are thrown away, these resources can go to waste.

There’s 80x as much gold in one ton of cellphones as there is in a gold mine. That means there’s enormous potential for recycling — and yet, most electronics are sent to a landfill.

The metals and other raw materials inside your electronics come from the earth, meaning they have to be mined. Mining operations are highly energy-intensive, which can contribute to increased emissions and the footprint of your product. When an electronic reaches the end of its life, we tend to throw it in the landfill which creates more emissions and wastes the precious resources hiding inside these devices.


There is actually a large amount of trading that occurs for e-waste because the parts can be worth a hefty amount for their reuse value. In Canada, however, e-waste trading is illegal because of its negative environmental and social impacts. Some of the negative impacts of e-waste trading can include:

  • Environmental Disruption - pollution of soil and water systems, emission of greenhouse gases, thinning of the ozone layer, and degradation of marine and forest ecosystems by ultraviolet radiations.

  • Human Health - toxic metals and ultraviolet radiations affecting immune, respiratory and digestive systems, including high risk of skin cancer and eye diseases.

  • Socio-Economic Impoverishment - increased costs for public health, reduced agriculture productivity, food insecurity and poverty.

"These crimes are of international concern. The world is one vast ecosystem, and the release of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) anywhere in the world impacts our common ozone layer. Dumping e-waste negatively impacts shared soils and water systems, not to mention the harm caused to human health by the illegal disposal of these materials."

- UNEP, Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment


Currently, there are minor regulations in place for repairing broken or failed electronic items. Warranties exist, but tend to be for short timeframes, say around 12 months or so.

If we increased manufacturer responsibility through policy and regulation, it would result in more products being fixed and refurbished as opposed to scrapped and purchasing a new model. Regulation is needed to put the responsibility on the manufacturer.

In the News: EU Rules to Force USB-C Chargers for all Phones

Under a new rule proposed by the European Commission in Fall 2021, manufacturers will be forced to create a universal charging solution. This would help tackle e-waste and prevent consumers from purchasing unnecessary electronics.


Globally, we only recycle 10% of our e-waste. The remaining 90% is either sent to the landfill, incinerated, or illegally traded.

In Canada, most of our household waste is regulated and collected by local or municipal government. We create waste, sort it into streams or bins, and put it out for collection. E-waste programs exist, but typically require you to drive to a special drop-off location because it isn't included in regular curb-side collection.

By improving accessibility to e-waste disposal through waste programming options would make electronic waste diversion more convenient and affordable.

How You Can Help:

1) REFUSE free electronic upgrades when your device is in working order. Take care of the items you already own to extend their life and save your wallet!

2) REDUCE the amount of new electronics you purchase. Consider buying one that is preloved or refurbished. It is common for electronic stores to give a discount for re-worked products.

3) REUSE and repair electronics to extend their life. If you're crafty, consider checking out resources like iFixit: The Free Repair Manual. Here you can find plenty of how-to's that can help you fix devices yourself. If you're not crafty, take it to the professionals for help.

4) RECYCLE or donate items at proper drop-off centres so they can be repurposed in part or as a whole. As mentioned, electronics can be comprised of precious materials like metals that are highly valuable and reusable.

  • For recycling, check locally for electronic recycling centres, such as TerraCycle drop-off locations, or those provided by your regional waste services.

  • For the Okanagan, be sure to check out the amazing work from PACE. Their organization has been creating meaningful employment opportunities for people who face barriers, through electronic recycling projects for over 20 years!

  • For donations, consider giving your preloved electronics to organizations like the Electronics Recycling Association (ERA). It will extend the life of these products and be provided to someone in need. Green Okanagan received donations from the ERA and we are so grateful!

Electronics are all around us, and inevitably, this also means that e-waste is all around us. Follow these tips and tricks to stay mindful when purchasing your electronics, and be sure to take good care of your devices to increase their lifespan. When done, consider donating your electronics or recycling them at designated electronic recycling drop-off spots so their materials can be extracted and reused for future products.


Waste Reduction Week Canada

The Global E-Waste Monitor

United Nations Environment Programme

Body Positive Bollywood dance for kids


By Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre | orig: January 16, 2023


Bollywood dance champion Karima Essa teaches kids to love themselves, inside and out.

“As a performer, Karima is the best combination: highly skilled and not-intimidating. Watching her perform inspires people from toddler to senior to join in, and Karima's praise, levity and pure love keeps people dancing - and coming back for more.” -  Kitsilano Community Centre

Photo: Karima Essa family workshop

Forget the diets and the fitness binge! Come laugh, dance, and love yourself at a celebration of bodies of all shapes and sizes! The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre proudly presents Karima Essa’s Body Positive Bollywood Dance Show on Sunday, January 29 at 11:00AM as the third performance in the 2022-23 SPOTLIGHT Season’s Kids Series.  Due to the recent flood at the theatre, this performance will take place at the Priest Valley Gym at the Greater Vernon Recreation Centre. 

Since age 4, Karima Essa has been gracing the stage in dance competitions, events and most recently on OMNI TV’s Bollywood Star reality show. When she hit puberty at 11, her body unwittingly became a blank canvas in which people could “paint” their admiration and adoration or their judgement and criticism. She grew up thinking she needed to be a “size zero,” fueled by the vanity of the Bollywood industry. However, she has finally grown to love her new, beautiful body. 

Karima’s Body Positive Bollywood Dance Show is an interactive performance that infuses music, breathing and ideologies from ancient scholars from the Middle East and South Asia.  Students of all shapes and sizes will leave inspired to accept and love themselves inside and out, on and off the dance floor! 

Karima first delighted audiences at the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre last March during the inaugural North Okanagan Children’s Festival. 

“She had the whole audience on their feet and beaming with joy, kids and parents alike,” said VDPAC Artistic Director Erin Kennedy. “We are thrilled to have Karima back for another accessible and inclusive workshop-style show.”

A three-time Canadian National Dance champion, Karima Essa is Vancouver’s very own Bollywood star. An incredibly charismatic and passionate performer, choreographer and instructor, she has used her one-of-a-kind Bollywood talent to entertain diverse audiences at festivals, theatres and in schools across Canada.  In 2014, her love for Bollywood took her to the screens in Mumbai, India, as a two-time finalist on Omni TV’s reality show, Bollywood Star. With style, grace and a flair for the dramatic, she has been captivating adult and young audiences for decades.

Since first showcasing her Bollywood Star School show in 2018, she has performed this show in 150+ schools across BC. Karima’s new focus is on celebrating that all bodies can dance by sharing the body positivity movement through Bollywood Dance. Karima is also completing her Education Assistance certification and is interested in exploring how dance can help improve socio-emotional skills in children who have autism.

The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre presents Karima Essa’s Body Positive Bollywood Dance Show

on Sunday, January 29 at 11:00AM

at the Priest Valley Gym at the Greater Vernon Recreation Centre.

The show runs 45 minutes with no intermission and is suitable for all ages.

Tickets are $12.


About Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre  

The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society is a non-profit, charitable organization devoted to fostering artists, their work, and live performance in all genres and for all ages. The Society operates the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre (VDPAC) on behalf of the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) and with the support of over 30 staff and 200 volunteers. Each year, we present our SPOTLIGHT Season of over 30 diverse performances, complemented by over 125 concerts, festivals, and special events. We select professional touring productions to entertain, enlighten, move and amuse our audiences. Altogether, they offer patrons of all ages a world of unforgettable live theatre experiences. Please visit: https://vdpac.ca/ & https://ticketseller.ca/

Top 3 Local Okanagan Winter Getaway Spots


By Susie Helland | orig: Nov 20, 2022

👉🏻 From the Blog SusieHelland.com


Winter has arrived in the Okanagan and that usually means we are searching the travel websites for the next tropical vacay to warm us up. While I do love me an amazing Mexican holiday amongst the palm trees and warm sunshine, over the past couple of years we have really enjoyed discovering what we have in our own backyards as well. 


I get asked all the time what local hotels I would recommend and why. Even though the ground is covered in snow, I do have a few places that we enjoy going to in the winter months that still feel like you are on a fun holiday and you can utilize the outdoor facilities. And bonus, they are all on or close by a lake which is where I love to be. Below are 3 of my winter favourites and why I love them. 

Walnut Beach Resort - Osoyoos



This resort was the very first place we ever stayed on our first ever trip to Osoyoos about 8 years ago and we went back many times after that. Although it's the most amazing in the Summer because of its location right on the lake, their pool with incredible lake views and private beach area, it is also enjoyable and beautiful in the winter months too. Anytime i can be that close to the water, I am all for it! 


The atmosphere and the calm that I feel when we stay here is one of the biggest reasons that we keep coming back. Walnut Beach Resort keeps their outdoor, heated pool open all year round and let me tell you, for someone who does not like the cold at all, I have spent many hours in that pool in winter weather. The water temperature is perfect - think bath water - and it's fun to go from the pool to one of the 2 hot tubs which are only steps away. Our son can stay in the pool for hours which is a great way to tire him out and keep him off screens. (If you know, you know) 


The rooms are all suites so you have full kitchens, washer and dryer, fireplaces and patios, except for the studio suites which just have large windows that open, but no deck. We always book the lakeview rooms but you can also get a mountain view if you prefer. They also have a restaurant on site, a sauna and fitness center, and you can even book yourself a massage! If you want to leave the resort, there are wineries close by or you can book a wine tour at the front desk so you don't need to drive. We absolutely love coming to Walnut Beach and whenever we pull up to the doors to check in, we always say it's like we are coming home. 


Spirit Ridge Resort - Osoyoos



Spirit Ridge Resort is nestled on the hill, in a vineyard, overlooking Osoyoos Lake and it really gives you that resort feel. We were new to staying here for the first time in December 2021, and it didn't disappoint. Of course, one of my favourite things about it is the outdoor heated pool all year round. The pool gets the sun all day long so it's great if you get the winter blues and need extra Vitamin D to recharge. It also has a hot tub and a sauna to keep you warm when you get out of said pool. 


Spirit Ridge has so many things to do right at the resort so if you don't want to drive anywhere, there are lots of choices for you. They have a restaurant, Nk’Mip Cellars winery, (did someone say WINE!?) Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, fitness center, and horse-riding stables. There is a walking path that takes you right through the vineyard to the road where you will find another path that takes you all the way down to the lake if you choose. It is also pet friendly so no need to leave your fur baby with a sitter. Spirit Ridge is a great place for families, date weekends or just place to come and chill to get away from the world for a few days. We are actually going back soon ourselves!


The Royal - Kelowna 



I always say that The Royal Kelowna is somewhat like a hidden gem because anytime I mention it, most people didn't even know it was there. It is nestled in beside the Delta Grand Hotel and I think it is often overlooked. We stayed at The Royal this past February and it was nothing short of amazing! Brent (my husband) and I did a date weekend away and this is where we chose to stay. We called and booked a one-bedroom suite on the lake side of the building. When we arrived, they told us that they had given us a complimentary upgrade to a 3-bedroom lake view suite and we were stunned at how amazing it was. There were 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, laundry room, and an amazing deck with Okanagan Lake views. But can I just tell you about the roof top infinity pool for a second?! It was truly incredible. The pool is heated and you can enter from outside or inside, and the view is spectacular. There are also 2 hot tubs, one inside the doors and the other on the pool deck. The hotel is also within walking distance of restaurants, a casino, and other amenities so you can literally park your car and let it sit until you check out. 


So those are our 3 favourite places to go in the winter months. If you have any questions about these beautiful resorts, or about any other places in the Okanagan, please dont hesitate to reach out. I love sharing all of our favourite finds with you! 

Things you can do with kids (and be happy ever) at home.


By Yana Crane | orig: March 16, 2020

👉🏻 From the blog Yana Crane Photography



With spring break, school closures and C-virus self-quarantine I see so many parents struggling to keep their kids entertained. Nowadays it's almost a basic need - to keep kids busy. Firstly, I want to reassure you that it is ok for children to be bored sometimes: it's actually a good thing because it can spark creativity, build self-confidence ("Look what I can do mom!") and inner motivation (they do things because they are bored not because they will get a candy or 1 hour of screen time). 

Of course it could be hard at first - they will come to you with "I don't know what to do. I'm bored. Mom..mooooom..mom-mom-mom-mom.." Sounds familiar? :) 

As a homeschooling mom I spend 90% of my time with kids and we never have enough time to do all things we want or started to do. There are so many opportunities to learn and play! Most of the public school-parents don't know about them and I would like to share some ideas. 

Apart from regular reading and colouring, hiking and playing in the park here is what you can do.


1. Cook and bake with kids.

They love it! (most of them for sure). What can they learn: adding and subtracting carrots, potatoes, buns. Fractions while baking - 1/4 of the cup, 1/2 of the tea spoon. Or they can make veggies-fruit and meals out of play dough which develops fine motor skills!

If your kids are passionate about cooking and are old enough you can enroll them in online cooking academy like this one: www.kidscookrealfood.com

We also love Preppy Kitchen on YouTube. He is fun to bake with!

2. Science experiments!

You can do loads of them just with household items. 

We really love Mystery Doug videos and different activities-lessons (lots are free), www.superchargedschool.com  (free science classes and now they have a new content daily)! For Pre-K and elementary school we love TheDadLab on Instagram - so easy fun!

3. Crafts.

So many choices here! And it doesn't matter if you have boys or girls, some boys really love to learn how to finger knit or sew a button! You can level up that regular play dough mess creating arts, learning an alphabet or planets (we made cell-parts, planets, Earth structure, parts of the plants and more).

Sewing, making dolls out of fabric, wood, beads etc - so many ideas on Pinterest. You can make simple yarn dolls or Slavic Spring fabric dolls (you can ask me how, most of the instructions are in Russian).

Simple felting (we have a great yarn store in Vernon with wool supplies and I'm sure every city has one too).

Origami! My youngest found a great youTube channel with easy to follow instructions. She is 6 years old and sometimes needs me to show her the details but mostly she would just pause and fold. And you don't need special paper, use old magazines, wrapping paper or old drawings you wanted to recycle!

Hello Origami

Toilet paper rolls! I'm sure you will have tons of them left *wink wink*! 

Endless opportunities. I didn't even want to dig into my photos for that. Just save it, give it to your kids and let their imagination flow! 


Random crafts like building structures and bridges, DNA cells or space ships. Making kid's favourite book heroes out of paper and playing with it while reading another story or creating your own - a new turn, a new ending or beginning and the character gets another life while your kids develop creativity and language skills. 

 4. If your flights were cancelled or vacations postponed go on an adventure from you home!

Learn about new countries and cities, cultures and traditions, cook Indian food or sushi, listen to Italian music and The Beatles! If you have Wi-Fi and a computer it is so easy to do. If you also have books - even better! (Or use your local library, you can also place books on hold from your home and just quickly go and pick it up when you get e-mail notification).

You can make your own lap-books with kids and if you own a printer you have lots of free resources out there:

Canada Lapbook 

Flags - print them, glue to a toothpick and play with a map using little piece of play dough to attach flag to the country!

Travel with two little dogs - Bella and Harry adventures. They have free colouring sheets and lesson plans of this website. We love the books as well (you can buy them on Amazon).

Treasures of the World museums. As a photographer I love to learn about artists and masterpieces. We have lots of books to go through but unfortunately no access to the real museums with art here. So we use online resources to look at the paintings and sculptures all around the world. 

Youtube channel we love to watch: Geography Now. 

5. Play board games!

If you don't have many - print your own games! (Or draw them if you don't have a printer). And I don't even know where to start - there are lots of websites with printable educational and fun games (please don't hesitate to PM if you are stuck with it, I will send you some games on e-mail or show the links). Many amazing moms and dads made them for us to use! Some are free, some cost just a little but so worth the $. 

6. Play!

Do a treasure hunt (or a scavenger hut) in your backyard. Invite toy-guests for Sloth's Bday party! Do a Fashion Week show (boys love dressing up too!). Play a cave-man (stick-stone tools, cave art, dances, mamoth-papa hunt). Cardboard boxes are amazing toys - make a ship, a car, a plane and learn about Marco Polo, Amelia Earhart, Michael Schumacher, Columbus or other great explorers!  

There are so many more things you can learn and do with kids! They are naturally curious and daring, creative and can absorb information better than we think. Take this opportunity to really know them, bond with them and explore together - it is so rewarding in a long term. Just follow their interest, then you'll get the best results and the most fun!

And if you happened to be a photographer pick up your camera to document this days! 

If you are not a photographer but want to have this memories to cherish, I would love to help - I do in-home sessions and this is my jam! 

Some other helpful links see below.

Head over to my website (click-able link below) and add your favourite ideas or resources in comments. There are many many more of them and I actually sometimes think how great it would be to have 48 hours a day :) 

I hope that helps and you can use some ideas at your home! I would love to share my experience and help to anyone who needs it! 

yanacranephotography.com Blog  

To book your session call (250) 938-2734

Or Pm on a Facebook

Waste-Free Christmas Wrapping


Guest Blog

Green Okanagan | December 13, 2019


The holidays are a joyful time of year to spend with family, friends, and enjoying one another's company. To show your appreciation, it's natural to want to give presents to your loved ones. This holiday season we invite you to consider greener gifting options like doing an activity together or DIYing a present. For those following a wish-list, you can still reduce your gift-giving impact by wrapping your presents in a way that is sustainable!

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 6.32.21 PM.png

As most wrapping paper is a combination of plastic, paper, and sometimes foil all mixed together, it makes it difficult to separate during the recycling process. Don't worry - you can still show people you care while caring for the planet too!



Paper is a simple and effective option for wrapping gifts in a way that is environmentally mindful. Being 100% recyclable, paper can be placed into regular curb-side collection for proper disposal. Personalize the packaging using homemade stamps or messaging.

  • Newspaper

  • Brown Kraft Paper

To secure paper in place, use washi tape, a plastic-free alternative and typically derived from bamboo or hemp.



Give your friends and family the gift of reusing! Boxes have many great uses, like storing items in your home or they can be re-used and gifted to someone else in the future. Tote and cloth bags also make for a fun and uniquely-wrapped gift that can be reused for shopping, groceries and produce, bulk buys or snacks on-the-go. See some of our favourite locally-made reusable bags below:



For wrapping without paper you can explore the Furoshiki technique, using cloth to bundle gifts. Preloved material, an old bandana or other fabric cloth will do the trick!



If secrecy for the gift isn't a concern, consider upcycling a container or jar to enclose your present. The simplicity of a jar offers a minimalist approach to wrapping, while giving the gift of reuse!



To finish off your wrapping, you can spruce up the look by adding a few accessories! Here are our sustainable suggestions:

  • Twine + string

  • Burlap

  • Greenery

  • Pinecones

  • Cinnamon Sticks

  • Dried Orange Slices - learn how to make them here!

  • Lace

  • Wooden Buttons


This holiday season, we encourage you to indulge in giving the gift of green! Use these sustainable alternatives to minimize your wrapping waste and to inspire others to do the same.

For more eco-friendly holiday fun, check out our blogs that explore Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees, Green Gifting, and hosting a Low-Waste Party.

43 Experiences to give as Christmas Gifts


Christmas-shopping season is upon us! And We challenge You to not buy a heaping pile of stuff that will make a short journey to the dumpster.


  • how much packaging an item comes in.

  • say NO to the plastic bag!

  • quality… will this thing break right away?

  • appreciation… will they even like or use this?

  • wrapping… how about a nice towel, re-usable bag or compostable paper?

Here are some awesome ideas to help you win at gifting this Christmas with amazing Okanagan experiences!

💡 Make a fun little booklet for 2023 experiences or buy enough for you to enjoy together.

And hey! If tickets or passes aren’t available before Christmas, you can always make a DIY version and then purchase them later.

  1. Winter Wine Tour with Sip Happens (19+)

  2. Goddess photo shoot with Vixen Studios

  3. In-home personal Chef service from Chez You

  4. Professional Home Organization with Organize My Space

  5. Gift certificate at Kelowna Comedy Lounge (19+)

  6. Tickets for Fireside Music Festival (19+)

  7. Make your own silk scarf with Colour Drop Design

  8. Splashdown Waterslide passes with VIP cabana (kiddos + youth)

  9. Gift certificate for a Nice Restaurant

  10. Tickets for Amuse food tasting event (19+)

  11. Subscription to Ballet Kelowna

  12. Tickets for the Great Okanagan Beer Festival (19+)

  13. Dance workshop with The Kore Dance Project

  14. Indoor Rock Climbing passes

  15. Gift certificate for EnergyPlax (kiddos + youth)

  16. Tickets for Armstrong Metal Festival

  17. Tickets for Ososyoos Oyster Festival (19+)

  18. Gift certificate for the Armstrong Tulip Festival

  19. Tickets to an upcoming event

  20. Gift certificate for their favourite Golf Course

  21. Tickets for Altitunes Music Festival (19+)

  22. Gift certificate for Don-O-Ray Farms (kiddos)

  23. Escape Room passes

  24. Tickets for Dinner en Blanc (19+)

  25. Gift Certificate for a massage

  26. Hockey tickets for the Kelowna Rockets

  27. Zipzone ziplining adventure

  28. Ski Hill passes

  29. Indoor Pool passes

  30. Season Tickets for the Kelowna Falcons Baseball

  31. Bowling passes

  32. Skydive Okanagan jump

  33. Membership to the Okanagan Science Centre

  34. Movie Theatre passes

  35. Voice lessons with Vita Artes

  36. Gift certificate for Airhouse trampoline centre

  37. Classes at a Pottery Studio

  38. Yoga Membership

  39. Tickets to Okanagan Symphony

  40. Cooking classes at The Okanagan Table

  41. Gift Certificate to stay at Sparkling Hills (19+)

  42. Gift Certificate for the Davison Orchards tractor train (kiddos)

  43. Private Whiskey experience at Okanagan Spirits

Fresh To You fundraiser - Vernon Montessori Society

The Vernon Montessori Society is making a healthy choice in fundraising by selling top quality fruits and Vegetables from BC. In partnership with the School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program, 40% of the proceeds go directly to the Silver Star Elementary Montessori program!

Do The Okanagan is supporting this fundraiser by collecting orders and offering free delivery within 25km of Downtown Vernon.

Please help us meet our program’s fundraising goals by purchasing a bundle.

To Order:

  1. fill out the form below and

  2. send an etransfer to dotheokanagan@gmail.com

By October 21, 2022.

Deliveries will be out between November 7 - 26, 2022.

Your information is safe with us. We never sell or share your contact information with another party unless we have specific permission to do so.

100 epic adventures to do with your kids this Summer!

This list is organized from North to South and…

⭐ There are coupons! Please show this list (screen grab works) to your host at the business to redeem.

Shuswap River Float -ENDERBY Make sure water levels are safe!

Memorial Park Outdoor Pool and Splashpad -ARMSTRONG

SplashDown Waterslides -VERNON

Kalamalka Beach -VERNON

Got Wake Chartered Wakesurfing -VERNON

Holy Doodle Sailing Charters -KELOWNA

Hydrofly Rocket Boots -KELOWNA Fun for bigger kids


Pention Channel Float -PENTICTON

Skaha Lake Park -PENTICTON

Beyond the Okanagan boundary:

Crazy Creek Hot Pools -REVELSTOKE

👉🏻 For local beaches, head -HERE-

👉🏻 More splash pads and outdoor pools -HERE-

Enderby Cliffs -ENDERBY This is a great hike with older children.

Miska Haven Glamping B&B -ENDERBY

Mount Rose Swanson -ARMSTRONG

Get Lost Glamping Adventure -ARMSTRONG

Silver Star Mountain Resort -SILVER STAR

Echo Lake Fishing Resort -LUMBY


Beaver Lake Fishing Resort -LAKE COUNTRY

Fintry Waterfalls -WEST SIDE

Christie Falls -WEST SIDE

Myra Canyon Trestles -KELOWNA

Crawford Waterfalls -KELOWNA

Chute Lake Lodge -NARAMATA

Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory -OKANAGAN FALLS

Beyond the Okanagan boundary:

SkyTrek Adventure Park -REVELSTOKE

The Enchanted Forrest -REVELSTOKE

The Small Axe Roadhouse -ENDERBY

Free kids slushie with the purchase of a menu item!

Pink Rock Ice Cream Shoppe -ARMSTRONG

Buy one get one 50% off!

Smoke’s Poutinerie -KELOWNA

Okanagan Beach Club Tacos and Margaritas/Slushies -WEST SIDE

Tickleberry’s Ice Cream -OK FALLS

Osoyoos Candy Store -OSOYOOS

Beyond the Okanagan Boundary:

D Duchmen Dairy -SICAMOUS

👉🏻 Check out more Ice Cream Shops -HERE-

IPE Aug 31- Sept 4 -ARMSTRONG

Sunflower Festival Aug 18- Sept 5 -ARMSTRONG

Davison Orchards -VERNON Take quarters for the animal-feed machine.

O’Keefe Ranch -VERNON

Yoga with Goats -VERNON

Cowboy Poetry Music Festival July 29-31 -VERNON

Kangaroo Creek Farm -KELOWNA

Covert Farms Kid’s Tour & Tasting -OLIVER

Beyond the Okanagan Boundary:

BC Wildlife Park -KAMLOOPS

👉🏻 For our big list of farms, click -HERE-!

Canadian Wildlife Museum -VERNON

Free kids popsicle with the purchase of entry!

Okanagan Science Centre -VERNON

Colour Drop Design Silk Scarf Making -VERNON to KELOWNA

Oyama Zipline Adventure Park -LAKE COUNTRY

Myra Canyon Adventure Park - KELOWNA

Falcons Baseball Home Games -KELOWNA

Okanagan Adventure Park -JOE RICH

Safari Ridge Paint Ball -WEST KELOWNA


Kartplex -OLIVER

Scandia - KELOWNA

Loco Landing -PENTICTON

Rattlesnake Canyon -OSOYOOS

… 🛠 More is coming! We’re working on it riiiight now!